Oxford Studio Tour – Thank you and more!

All of our artist participants would like to thank those who took their precious weekend time this past spring to travel the roads of Oxford County, follow our provided maps or their own GPS devices looking for red studio tour signs, step hesitantly inside the studios (sometimes living spaces turned into studios or galleries) of perfect strangers, (or perhaps old friends?) and learn about the art they are driven to create.  And a triple thank you to those who decided they couldn’t walk away from the art without having some of it to take home!

We who organize the tour would like to thank all artist participants for contributing to this past spring’s tour – with their wonderful artwork and their savvy advertising skills and their efforts to make the tour worthwhile, well-known, and welcoming.

And of course, we can never thank our sponsors enough!

Now, we are busy creating!  As all artists know, preparation for any show begins long before the show – so the application for next year’s tour has been updated and is now available.  Whether you are a regular feature of the tour, or a new applicant, you must have your application in by October 19, 2018.  Apply now, or at least mark your calendar for a month or so ahead of the deadline so you don’t forget it!!

If you haven’t yet subscribed to (followed) this blog, please do so now, so you won’t miss any news.

Enjoy your art – on your walls OR in your studio!